Monday, February 1, 2010

Book Review:

Baby Led Weaning
Helping Your Baby to Love Good Food

Author: Gill Rapley and Tracey Murkett
ISBN: 0091923808
Publisher: Vermillion
Format: Paperback
Published: November 2009
No. of pages: 256 pages
Available for loan from: National Library Board
Price: S$26.64 (
Suitable for: Anyone who has yet to offer finger foods to their child
Verdict: Highly recommended (4.5 / 5)

I wish I read this before I started weaning my son.

I've heard of Baby Led Weaning (BLW) through friends and on the internet. However, there was a dismal lack of information about how to go about doing it and how to deal with the various situations and comments one will come across. I was unable to get the book until recently when we've been on solids for about 5 months and had stumbled through BLW with many doubts and questions.

After reading this book, most (if not all) of my concerns were answered. I am a lot more confident about BLW, sharing it with my friends or when I need support for when Grandma is horrified. This is certainly a good read for parents who think that feeding a baby means jars and purees. Even if one chooses not to use BLW, this book contains useful general information on topics such as nutrition, portion sizes and feeding.

The photographs included in the book are a cute diversion and gives one an insight into BLW in action. What was missing are recipes that can be used for BLW once baby progresses beyond the beginner's steamed vegetable sticks, cut fruit and toast soldiers. If you're looking for recipes for "baby" food, tables of what food to introduce at what age, or detailed lists of foods to avoid, you won't find them here. This is just a reassuring introduction to the idea of simply feeding your baby from your own healthy meals.

About the Author(s)
Gill Rapley has studied infant feeding and child development for many years. She worked as a health visitor for over 20 years and has also been a midwife and a voluntary breastfeeding counsellor. She developed the theory of baby-led weaning while studying babies' developmental readiness for solids as part of her Master's degree. She lives in Kent with her husband and has three grown-up children, all of whom tried their best to show her that they didn't need any help with solid foods.

Tracey Murkett is a freelance writer and journalist. She originally trained as an artist and was deputy editor of Artists and Illustrators magazine until she left to have her baby. After following baby-led weaning with her daughter, she wanted to let other parents know how easy and stress-free mealtimes with babies and young children can be. She lives in London with her partner and their daughter, now aged three.

Baby Led Weaning Helping Your Baby to Love Good Food

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